Unleash the power
of community
Acceleration Platform
Decentralized platform that allows participants to exchange value, record contributions, and help each other grow.
Who Can Benefit
  • Find missing skills and expertise on the platform;
  • Complete tasks with the help of other platform participants;
  • Attract the best specialists for full-time work and strengthen your team;
  • Create strong partnerships with complementary teams and accelerate together
👨‍🎤 Talents
🦄 Startups
  • Grow by gaining expertise from other participants;
  • Find startups that match interests, goals, and values;
  • See the strengths and weaknesses of a potential team and get closer with future team in advance;
  • Discover and perform the most interesting tasks for various projects.
Experience the Benefits
Пример профиля
A community of professionals with unique skills, ready to help each other.
⚡️ Talent community
🌐 Startup ecosystem
An ecosystem of startups united by common values and similar development vectors.
🔀 Matching
A tool that allows you to automatically create requests of external contribution and create the best collaborations.
A tool that enables open interaction, records the exchange of value between participants, and maintains financial culture within the community.
💎 Economics
How it works?
your strength
Set up
processes on a shared operating system
by exchanging value with other participants
1. Unpack your talents

Unpack yourself and add your profile to the community. In addition, for teams, we will together create a skill map of your organization.

2. Set up processes
Launch processes on a shared operating system and add your startup to the ecosystem.
3. Create requests
Form relevant requests for you or your team, find the best candidates for collaboration based on the platform's data.
∞ Collaborate
Exchange expertise, resources, and find collaboration points with other participants.
A value-based ecosystem fostering mutual growth through collaborative exchange.
💜 Culture
Our platform, grounded in shared values and principles, emphasizes the importance of each contribution, records every exchange, and fosters a thriving financial culture within the community.
🤝 Ecosystem
Each participant is ready to consult you. In addition, you can find a mentor or advisor and get help in developing your business.
Engage in harmonious exchanges, discover long-term partnerships, and explore barter-based collaboration format.
🛠 Contribution
Access a wealth of collective knowledge anytime, empowering you to tackle challenges.
🌎 Community
At the moment, you can join the acceleration platform by invitation only. Therefore, you will need an invitation from an existing platform member who can vouch for you, or you can apply to join through our waitlist and be moderated. An important and basic factor for entry is the compliance of the participant with the values and vision of the community.
To join, the first step is to unpack your personal profile and start speaking the same language with the members.
How to join?
Participation in the community is free for all team members.
  • Use the Talent Intelligence tool to unpack yourself, create a profile, and learn how to work with your data.
  • If you want to grant access to your entire team, all members must use this tool.
  • Utilize the Startup OS tool to launch your processes on a shared framework.
  • Complete the onboarding process on the platform if you have an invitation.
  • If you don't have an invitation, apply for membership, have a session with the community manager, and then proceed with the platform onboarding.
  • Use the Talent Intelligence tool to unpack yourself, create a profile, and learn how to work with your data.
  • If you want to grant access to your entire team, all members must use this tool.
  • Utilize the Startup OS tool to launch your processes on a shared framework.
  • Complete the onboarding process on the platform if you have an invitation.
  • If you don't have an invitation, apply for membership, have a session with the community manager, and then proceed with the platform onboarding.
Participation in the community is free.